Monday, 14 February 2011

Valentine day

I've never bothered with Valentine day, not even when a was a little girl. It always sounded to me like a very fake and consumer festivity when fake happy couples just have bad food in restaurants full of heart-shaped ballons.
Last year, however, it was different. It was the day I found out I was pregnant. A very special gift to my very special John who ended up in shock for a week or two. We weren't really trying, we thought it would have taken ages, and in two cycles, there we were, two pink lines.
The beginning was funny, the end a bit less, but Valentine day for me will always have a special meaning, now on.

I bought to John eight red roses and two white ones. All my love, a storm and a rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I read your post about your son, and I truly hope that you’re able to heal. What a beautiful photo you have of your little boy, though. I’m following you now. I hope you’ll check out my blog and follow back when you get a chance.

    Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies
